Programs at a Glance
The six (06) focused segments where our teachers are working on their toes to impart the best in them in terms of education, moral values, tactics and over all know how of the subject been taught. These improtant segments are
Management Segment
Aplomb offers bachelors and masters in management studies [...]
MBA (Masters in Business Administration)
BBA (Bachelors in Business Administration
Teaching Segment
A Sound bachelors and masters program in teaching is taught here [...]
NTT (Nursery Teachers Training)
JBT / D.Ed (Diploma in Education)
B.Ed (Bachelor in Education)
M.Ed ( Masters in Education)

Professional Segment
Professional programs are imparted as per latest trends prevailing in market [...]
Teaching Programs
Management Programs
Language Programs
Accounting Programmes
Traditional Segment
Aplomb offers traditional programs in humanities and Commerce [...]
BA (Bachelors in Humanities /Arts)
B.Com (Bachelors in Commerce)
MA (Masters in Arts)
M.Com (Masters in Commerce)
MSc. (Masters in Science) General / Hon.